Well behaved women rarely make history

~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Applied Digital Learning eportfolio

Hi, I’m Dr. Anna B. Gonzalez. Welcome to my eportfolio.

I am currently working on an MEd in Applied Digital Learning through Lamar University. I currently hold a BBA in Accounting, an MEd in Bilingual/Bicultural studies, an MEd in Reading, and a PhD in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on Language, Diversity & Literacy Studies.

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Applied Digital Learning

EDLD 5302

Taking ownership over the learning process and incorporating choice and voice in designing authentic projects that use technology innovation as catalysts for change within an organization.

EDLD 5305

Recognizing and embracing technological innovations as opportunities rather than challenges and proactively use them as catalysts to enhace larning environments.

EDLD 5303

Evidence-based uses of educational technology in PK-12 schools. Emphasis on production of instructional materials using technologies, strengths and limitations of educational technology, articulation of personal philosophy of uses of technology in PK-12 and demonstrating evidences of technology in teaching and learning.

EDLD 5313

Explore the theories of constructivist epistemology used to create student-centered learning environments. By applying constructivist techniques, students create active and engaging learning environments that utilize technology, increase motivation for learning, and engage the learner.